E-SWAN Newsletter
PubCom, E-SWAN Newsletter Editor (
Volume 2025 Number 21 - January 7, 2025
E-SWAN YouTube channel - E-SWAN LinkedIn profile
Dear E-SWAN readers,
Welcome to the first issue of our Newsletter for 2025!
As we step into a new year, we want to take a moment to wish you all a happy and fulfilling year ahead, both personally and professionally. May 2025 bring inspiring ideas, new opportunities, and continued success to you and our E-SWAN community.
The start of the year is always a time of fresh energy and renewed focus. With our committees, working groups, and conference teams already hard at work, we are confident that E-SWAN will continue to grow as a platform for collaboration, learning, and innovation. We aim to support all initiatives with the same spirit of openness and cooperation that has characterized our work in the past.
We look forward to another year of supporting knowledge sharing, exchanging experiences, and strengthening connections across the network. Let’s make 2025 a productive and meaningful year for all!
With best wishes for a successful year ahead,
enjoy reading this Newsletter.
Stefaan Poedts,
President of E-SWAN
Topical Issues open for submission
"Severe Space Weather Events of May 2024 and Their Impacts", deadline 28 February 2025
Topical Editor-in-Chief (T-EiC):
"Swarm 10-Year Anniversary”, deadline 15 February 2025
Topical Editor-in-Chief (T-EiC):
Georgios Balasis (gbalasis-at-noa.gr), National Observatory of Athens (NOA), Greece
"Fast and slow solar winds: Origin, evolution and Space Weather effects", deadline 31st May 2025
Topical Editors-in-Chief (T-EiC):
Interested in the newest publications? Sign up for e-mail alert
UK Space Weather and Space Environment (UKSWSE) III (8-11 September 2025, Sheffield, UK)
Please save the date for the “UK Space Weather and Space Environment (UKSWSE) III” Meeting, taking place 08-11 September 2025 at Cutlers’ Hall, Sheffield, UK.
This is the third in the series of UKSWSE Meetings with planning around this years’ focus/theme currently underway.
All updates will be made on the website when ready: https://iop.eventsair.com/ukswse2025 - so please watch this space in the next days.
Many thanks in advance and we look forward to seeing you in Sheffield in September 2025 for another energetic and exciting UKSWSE Meeting.
Registration is now open for SDO 2025 Science Workshop: A Gathering of the Helio-hive, to be held February 17-21, 2025, at the Hotel Boulderado in Boulder, CO. All members of the science community are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please register at http://sdo2025.sdo-workshops.
Any research result using SDO data can be submitted as a contribution to the workshop. Invited speakers will introduce 7 themed plenary sessions spanning SDO‘s wide range of research topics. Please submit your abstract http://sdo2025.sdo-workshops.
We have been awarded money from the SPD to fund several Metcalf Travel Awards to partially defray the cost of attending the workshop for eligible people. Please look at "Metcalf Travel Awards" on the website for details.
Limited funds are available as small grants to help reduce the cost of childcare expenses that might be incurred by participants. Please visit the "Childcare Support" menu item on the website.
For information about SDO 2025 please see http://sdo2025.sdo-workshops.
Please send a message to
Mark your calendars for the second Machine Learning and Computer Vision in Heliophysics Conference (hybrid), April 07-09, 2025, Sofia, Bulgaria.
The MCH conference focuses on applications of Computer Vision and Machine / Deep Learning techniques to heliophysics research and forecasting frameworks, as well on the integration of these techniques into observational, modelling and operational efforts for solar activity and heliospheric phenomena.
Topics to be covered at MCH25:
- Computer Vision and Machine Learning applications in heliophysics, including:
- Solar magnetism
- Solar activity (flares, CMEs, particles)
- Solar wind
- Space weather and space climate, gaps and applications to be tackled with CV and ML
- Heliospheric radio emissions
- Computer Vision and Machine Learning techniques and packages
- Explainable Machine Learning and Physics-informed networks
- Research to Operations augmented by AI/CV
- Research tools, packages and libraries for CV/ML
Scientific Organising Committee: Jorge Amaya (ESA), Manolis Georgoulis (Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, USA), Robert Jarolim (HAO, USA), Shane Maloney (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland), Michele Piana (Università di Genova, Italy), Pietro Zucca (ASTRON, Netherlands), Kamen Kozarev (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria)
Further information about abstract submission, registration and venue will be provided in due time on the conference website, https://mch25.astro.bas.bg
Postdoctoral and Postgraduate opportunities with the Magnetic Network of Ireland
The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship (up to 4 years) and a 4-year Hamilton PhD Scholarship focussed on geomagnetic storms and their technological impacts using data from the Magnetic Network of Ireland (www.magie.ie). The researchers will undertake data analysis and modelling of magnetic and electric fields in Ireland, and how they respond to solar activity on short-timescales. In addition, they will be involved in modelling geomagnetically induced currents in the Irish power grid.
More information can be found at https://www.dias.ie/magie-post
At DIAS we are committed to building an inclusive scientific community, distinguished by scientific excellence, gender balance, and diversity.
Multiple open job offers in a DFG Research Unit Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, Plasmasphere, Thermosphere as a Coupled System (MIPT)
The overarching science objective of the research unit is to better understand how the magnetosphere, ionosphere, plasmasphere, and thermosphere are coupled to each other. The complexity of this system, which covers altitudes from tens to tens of thousands of km and time scales from minutes to decades, requires an interdisciplinary team with specialists in different domains, expertise in modeling and observations, as well as established collaborative ties to the international community.
The Research Unit is planned for 4 years with a possible extension for another 4 years. We offer 6 (postdoc/PhD) positions, one for each project of the Research Unit at 5 Institutions: German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), University of Bonn (Uni Bonn), Technische Universität München (TUM), Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU), and German Aerospace Center (DLR).
All current job announcements and links to online applications can be found at: https://spaceweather.gfz-potsdam.de/mipt-job-center
For additional questions please contact
Multiple open positions at GFZ-Potsdam
Space Physics and Space Weather at GFZ Potsdam, Germany is pleased to announce multiple open positions related to machine learning, numerical modelling, and data analysis.
Our section is working on understanding of the dynamical evolution of the hazardous space radiation environment and developing the tools for specification and prediction of the adverse effects of space environment using models and data assimilation. We study physical processes in the near-Earth space environment and focus on the understanding of fundamental processes responsible for the evolution of space radiation.
For more information about the section, please visit: spaceweather.gfz-potsdam.de
For additional questions please contact
Space Physics Postdoc Survey
Please fill out the survey found at the link below!
The questionnaire is anonymous and does not require registration.
This survey is intended to measure the working conditions and career prospects of non-permanent researchers in the international space weather and space climate communities. We are particularly interested in the challenges faced by post-PhD researchers as they work to advance their careers.
In this project, we are motivated by the following questions:
1. How are postdocs doing in our field?
2. Are there any issues that need to be addressed? What are the causes?
3. What can be done to improve the situation?
We intend to publish the survey results and use them to promote postdoc wellbeing in our community.
The survey will close on 11 January 2025. Be sure to submit your final answers before then, and also to share the link with other postdocs and non-permanent researchers!
For more information, you may contact the survey administrators:
To contribute to the newsletter, please refer to the general rules reported here.