E-SWAN Council
The Council roles are to:
- Makes recommendations to the Executive Board in order to sustain and develop E-SWAN,
- Makes recommendations for new Committees within E-SWAN
- May suggest new committees by itself, or
- May report on propositions made by E-SWAN members, during or outside the General Assembly
- Controls that the E-SWAN decisions are consistent with its statutes,
- Identifies themes and fields in space weather and space climate research which are growing in importance and are not or very little represented in E-SWAN
- Ensures a good coordination and collaboration between all the committees
The Council composition is
- one representative of the Awards Committee
- two representatives of the Publications Committee
- two representatives of the ESWW Programme Committee
- representative(s) from any newly-formed Committee
In 2023-2024 the Council members are:
- Sophie Chabanski (representative of the Education and Outreach Committee) (Chair of the Council)
- Mario Bisi (representative of the ESWW Program Committee)
- Piers Jiggens (representative of the ESWW Program Committee)
- Andrea Opitz (representative of the Awards Committee)
- Paolo Romano (representative of the Publication Committee)
- Jurgen Watermann (representative of the Publication Committee)
The Council elects its own Chair from within its members. The Chair of the Council will also hold a place on the Executive Board as an ex officio member provided they meet the criteria for becoming an Executive Board member as defined in the Statutes or else a nominated delegate that does meet those criteria must be chosen from within the Council.