Luca Spogli
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia [Italy]
E-SWAN Vice-President
Luca Spogli is a research scientist with a permanent position at the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, INGV) and since 2008 he is in the Upper Atmosphere and Radiopropagation unit. Luca's research interests cover Solar-Terrestrial Physics and Space Weather, with particular reference to the investigation and the modelling of the formation and dynamics of ionospheric irregularities leading to disturbances of the trans-ionospheric signals with ināsitu satellite measurements and GNSS signals. Luca is also the founder and a partner of SpacEarth Technology, the INGV spin-off company.