Education and Outreach Committee (EOCom)


This committee is dedicated to reaching out to the Space Weather and Space Climate community and the general public. We aim to set up a dedicated social network, to organise Space Weather and Space Climate courses and webinars, to publish a Space Weather and Space Climate book, to improve the scientific content of the E-SWAN website, and any action devoted to Space Weather and Space Climate outreach and education.


  • popularise Space Weather and Space Climate in Europe and beyond
  • distribute complementary media for dissemination of scientific knowledge
  • promote education and advanced training through continuing education opportunities within Europe
  • raise awareness to all activity sectors possibly affected by space weather and/or space climate focusing within Europe.

Contributions in progress

Past contributions

  • Organise Thematic Discussion Meeting (TDM) at the last ESWW 2023 (Toulouse - France).
    (Link to full report with some interesting points and hints on how to improve communication and outreach activities)


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  • Chair: Sophie Chabanski (Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy)
  • Co-Chair: Domenico Di Mauro (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia)


  • Jean Lilensten (Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble)
  • Carlos Larrodera (Universidad de Alcalá)
  • Jaroslav Urbář (IAP CAS)
  • Lisa Nelson (Bureau of Meteorology, Australian Government)
  • Jan Janssens (Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence (STCE))
  • Laure Lefevre (Royal Observatory of Belgium – WDC-SILSO)
  • Christine Verbeke (KU Leuven)
  • Elke D'Huys (Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence – ROB/SIDC)
  • Lenka Zychova (Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy)
  • Veronika Haberle (Conrad Observatory, GeoSphere Austria)
  • Ádám Horváth (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
  • Filipa Barros (University of Porto)