E-SWAN New Committee
A committee may be created any time during the year. In order to be created, a committee must
- Propose to the Executive Board
- Its bylaws project. These Bylaws must state the objectives and tasks of the new committee, its composition , its functioning.
- A preliminary list of members
- The Executive Board shall iterate with the proposers until a decision can be made.
- The Executive Board decides to create this new committee or to refuse it. Amongst the reasons for refusing are (not limited to):
- These Bylaws are not consistent with the actual valid Statutes of E-SWAN
- The new committee does not respect the values of E-SWAN
When a new committee is created:
- The new committee immediately gets one seat in the Council, and all the pertaining rights and duties
- The Executive Board must publicise the new committee to E-SWAN
- The Executive Board must report on this creation during the next General Assembly