Liaison office (LIAS)


The Liaison office (LIAS) Working Group is formed by people that have roles in associations related to E-SWAN activities.

Their role is to represent ESWAN in those associations, liaising with them and the E-SWAN Executive Board about initiatives with common interest.

In a highly multidisciplinary environment of space weather and space climate, finding novel ways to collaborate and support common goals are key to obtaining wider applicability.

The LIAS WG efforts currently focus on providing suggestions for leveraging already established concepts (such as COSPAR iSWAT).


  • Representing E-SWAN in relevant organizations (list of E-SWAN members related to them+active liaison) SCOSTEP, COSPAR, IAGA, IAMAS, IAU, IU, SCAR, URSI, IUGG, WMO, UNCOPUOS, EGU, EPS, etc.
  • Finding ways to collaborate and support common goals among the listed organisations


  • Chair: Jaroslav Urbář, Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Czech Academy of Sciences.
  • Co-Chair: Rui F. Pinto, IRAP, University Toulouse, France. 



  • Lucilla Alfonsi, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia 
  • Judith de Patoul, Royal Observatory of Belgium