The Alexander Chizhevsky Medal 2021
Doctor Martin Reiss
Doctor Martin Reiss After receiving his master's degree in theoretical and computational physics in January 2014 with distinction, Dr Reiss started his doctoral study of natural sciences at the University of Graz (Austria). A few months later, he had developed a machine-learning algorithm to differentiate coronal holes from other solar phenomena as seen in SDO AIA images. In 2014, the application of machine learning was by no means a common approach to solve problems in space weather research.
During his Ph.D., he studied coronal holes, their detection in SDO/AIA images of the Sun, and their relationship to high- speed solar wind streams. Within a short time, he wrote scientific texts that resulted in an impressive number of publications in international peer-reviewed journals. After completing his Ph.D., he was awarded a prestigious Erwin-Schrödinger Fellowship by the Austrian Science Fund, allowing outstanding young scientists to work at a leading research facility abroad. This Fellowship enabled him to work for 15 months at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
One of his contributions that stood out was developing an innovative approach to updating the inner boundary of heliospheric solar wind codes. His discovery is expected to provide a leap forward in space weather research as the WSA-Enlil model combination is used for a range of applications. Recently, Dr. Reiss developed a novel approach for predicting the Bz magnetic field component from upstream in situ observations of solar coronal mass ejections. Besides his scientific excellence, he also contributes to the space weather community.
In 2019, he established two international working teams focusing on state-of-the- art problems in space weather research. Since then, he has been leading the activities of both teams - more than 50 scientists – in the internationally coordinated COSPAR ISWAT initiative as the team-lead. His publication record consists of 24 articles in peer-reviewed international journals and 1 book section. Dr. Reiss is an enthusiastic individual, bringing fresh and brilliant ideas to the table to solve theoretical and observational problems. Dr. Reiss is also engaged with the education of Ph.D. and M.Sc. students. He is currently collaborating with 6 students, which significantly supports their research work.
In 2021, his research on solar wind forecasting received much attention in Austrian nationwide media, resulting in several interviews with the Austrian Press Agency to inform the general public about his new results and the importance of space weather research. This year, we welcome physically Mr. Christoph Crepaz, Consul General of Austria in Scotland, and we received the recorded congratulations from Dr Fassman, Minister of science in Austria. I would like to invite Mr Crepaz to give the medal to Martin.